Sydney Voices is an ensemble of talented and dedicated male and female singers, which first formed in 2009. We rehearse once a month in Drummoyne. Our director, James Paul, is a highly-talented and qualified director and arranger well-known in the Sydney singing community.
We are always ready to welcome new members! If you would like to visit one of our rehearsals to see who we are and what we do, please ring Kathy on 0419 231 598 to arrange a time for your visit, or send us an email at
We rehearse on Sunday once a month 1pm–5pm at Drummoyne Community Centre, 10 Cometrowe Street Drummoyne 2047 NSW..
Why not hire Sydney Voices to entertain at your next event? We can perform at corporate functions, charity events, community entertainment events, birthday parties, Christmas parties, awards nights, weddings, engagements, anniversaries, engagements, and even funerals and memorial services.